Reduced price! Radio DT Swiss Champion 268x2 1ud.

Radio DT Swiss Champion 268x2 1 unit.

DT Swiss



Radio DT Swiss Champion 268x2 1 unit.

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Before: 0,56 €

You save: -0,14 € (approx. 25% disc.)

0,42 €

Delivery time: 48/72 hours

Radio DT Swiss Champion 268x2 1 unit.

Due to the wide offer of different diameters, this standard spoke covers a wide range of applications: for example in the 1.8 mm version, the DT Champion is predestined for road cycling and light MTB use. In the 2.0mm version, it covers the entire spectrum from asphalt to DH. The DT Champion with 2.34mm diameter perfectly supports the load of electric bicycles and tandems.