Reduced price! Maneta Freno Hidráulico Izquierda Completa Sram Force1 Pinza Flat Mount - Solo Freno Delantero

Complete Left Hydraulic Brake Lever Sram Force1 Flat Mount Caliper - Front Brake Only




Sram Force1 complete left dual control lever. Contains left brake lever and front flat mount brake caliper. Compatible with 1x11v.

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Before: 372,00 €

You save: -93,00 € (approx. 25% disc.)

279,00 €

Delivery time: 3 TO 7 WORK DAYS

Complete Left Hydraulic Brake Lever Sram Force1 Flat Mount Caliper - Front Brake Only

The Sram Force 22 HRD brake and shift levers combine all the good performance of 11 mechanical speeds with a hydraulic braking system. HydroR technology is the perfect support point for good braking thanks to the Reach Adjust as well as the ergonomic shape of the levers. Sram hydraulic brakes provide more stopping power with less effort when operating the controls and better modulation.


  • Lever body design that offers more comfortable support and more control.
  • Optimized bleed port location for easier access.
  • Smoother brake lever design with better toe separation.


  • Handle orientation: Left
  • Caliper orientation: Front
  • Type of pills: Organic
Colour Black
Type Front (Left)