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The new Squalo handlebar tape is manufactured by combining a special polymer with a closed cell expanded foam (EVA) that is subsequently machined.
White and blue Deda Loop handlebar tape made with a layer of EVA for thickness and a second layer of polyurethane for durability and grip. Includes handlebar plugs and finishing tapes.
Cinta de manillar Deda Loop de color negro y plata fabricada con una capa de EVA para darle grosor y una segunda capa de poliuretano para la durabilidad y el grip. Incluye tapones de manillar y cintas de terminación.
Cinta de manillar Deda Loop de color negro y rojo fabricada con una capa de EVA para darle grosor y una segunda capa de poliuretano para la durabilidad y el grip. Incluye tapones de manillar y cintas de terminación.
White Deda Nastro handlebar tape made of polyurethane. Includes handlebar plugs and finishing tapes.
Dark gray Deda Nastro handlebar tape made of polyurethane. Includes handlebar plugs and finishing tapes.
White Deda Nastro handlebar tape with perforations made of polyurethane. Includes handlebar plugs and finishing tapes.
Deda Nastro handlebar tape in jungle green color made of polyurethane. Includes handlebar plugs and finishing tapes.
Deda Nastro handlebar tape in pistachio green color made of polyurethane. Includes handlebar plugs and finishing tapes.
Cinta de manillar Deda Presa de color negro brillo. Fabricada con una capa base de espuma EVA y una capa superior perforada de poliuretano. Incluye tapones de manillar y cintas de terminación.
Deda Presa black and white handlebar tape. Made with an EVA foam base layer and a perforated polyurethane top layer. Includes handlebar plugs and finishing tapes.
Deda Presa black and gray handlebar tape. Made with an EVA foam base layer and a perforated polyurethane top layer. Includes handlebar plugs and finishing tapes.
Deda Presa black and turquoise handlebar tape. Made with an EVA foam base layer and a perforated polyurethane top layer. Includes handlebar plugs and finishing tapes.
Cinta de manillar Deda Presa de color negro y verde. Fabricada con una capa base de espuma EVA y una capa superior perforada de poliuretano. Incluye tapones de manillar y cintas de terminación.